He’s our idiot and we love him.

If you manage to start your day off by drinking a stink bug in your coffee, there’s a trick to making sure the rest of your day goes better. You have to find a way to relay the story of your misfortune to as many people as possible, as fast as possible. Text it to strangers if necessary. It also has to be done in a way that isn’t complaining. (No one wants to be around someone that keeps shaking their head violently like a dog that’s eaten a bee and listen to them cry about whether it laid eggs in your mouth. That’s what my wife keeps telling me through the locked front door anyway.) If you do it correctly then you will brighten everyone else’s day with your misfortune and isn’t that what life is life is really all about? Feeling better about yourself by laughing at other idiots. This one just happened to accidentally have a shot of stink bug early in the morning. That is quality entertainment, probably. I bet that guy will do some other dumb and crazy stuff we can laugh at together so we all better keep a close eye on him so we may have better moments of our own. He winces and pushes through the pain and sour taste of stink bug so that we may be lifted up in mood. By the way, does anyone know how to remove the taste of stink bug from your mouth and soul? Asking for a friend, they live in South Carolina. You don’t know them.

2 thoughts on “He’s our idiot and we love him.

  1. So, at times like this, I think it’s best to just say…Umm, we appreciate you for your service. Stink bugs aren’t my thing, but I won’t judge you if they’re yours. I hope you live. Good luck! 😜

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