Spider senses

Last night I was getting ready to get in the shower when a spider crawled in my ear. I was totally unprepared but immediately began an assault on him. Uncertain of his exact position, I began my attack on everything within a one foot radius of the ear spider. A good solid blow right above my ear allowed me to be able to hear the little 8 legged demon roaring. I surmised he’d try to escape so I cut him off with a round of smacks above my eyes. I could then see the spiders colorful aura. I’m colorblind but there were lots of colors. Evil spider colors. A loud buzzing sound let me know he was trying to go deeper. He was headed for my brain so I made a grasp for the plunger and was able to get a few blows in on the back of my head. I almost had him but the man eater was too fast. He made it to my brain and hit the off switch. I woke up sometime later looking up at the ceiling. I quickly reached to my ear to grab the spider while he thought I was still unconscious. He was too cunning and all that was in my ear was a spider shaped piece of saw dust he’d obviously put there to trick me. I thought I could hear him laughing at me from the shadows but between my head pounding so loudly and the blinding pain I couldn’t be sure. If anyone knows of a spider fighting class available please let me know. I’d prefer local.

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